About a year ago, I could tell that our home project was a little delayed. Our team of contractors had been struggling to work with some of their providers, so I decided to work with another team altogether. It was really frustrating, but I could tell that it was the right call to make. After we made the transition, the new staff got right to work addressing some of the most serious concerns. I wanted to create a blog all about understanding construction delays so that other people could see how difficult it can be to resolve them on your own. Check it out!
10 March 2018
If you own a construction company, you are sure to know that large projects can require a variety of different tools and equipment. Some projects require the use of a crane; in these situations a company may wonder if they should purchase a crane or rent a crane. In most cases, it makes more sense for a construction company to rent a crane if they do not plan on using it on a very regular basis.
23 January 2018
When it comes to modern built homes, a lot of the roofs and lines of the home are flat, rather than a pitched roof. Though this causes an aesthetically pleasing line of sight for the home, catching water, leaves, and other debris can be difficult. If you have a modern home with a square, boxy build, you may need to replace and update your rain gutters. Here are a few things to do when getting your rain gutters replaced on a flat home.
5 December 2017
If you're tired of your old kitchen, it's time to plan a kitchen remodeling project. Remodeling your existing kitchen will give you the upgrade you want while allowing you to remain in your existing home. After all, you don't want to go to the trouble of buying a new home just because you're tired of your old kitchen. A kitchen remodel can be just the change you need. Before you sit down with your contractor, however, here are four steps you should take that will ensure you get exactly what you're looking for.
29 August 2017
Are you trying to add some value to your property without breaking the bank? While you might have a bunch of remodels in mind, you might not able to afford all of them. Luckily, there are quite a few cost effective remodels that are still very worthwhile for most homeowners. Installing vinyl siding on the exterior of your home is one of the most popular home upgrades because it is such a cost-effective project and it has a wide range of benefits.
26 August 2017
Whether you have one or multiple concrete projects that need to be done, you will want to make sure that you are doing everything in your power to save as much money as you can. This way, if you are trying to stay within a set budget or you simply want money for other projects you want to have completed, you will be able to do it. Here are some ways you can try to save money on your upcoming concrete job: