Understanding Construction Delays
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Understanding Construction Delays

About a year ago, I could tell that our home project was a little delayed. Our team of contractors had been struggling to work with some of their providers, so I decided to work with another team altogether. It was really frustrating, but I could tell that it was the right call to make. After we made the transition, the new staff got right to work addressing some of the most serious concerns. I wanted to create a blog all about understanding construction delays so that other people could see how difficult it can be to resolve them on your own. Check it out!


Understanding Construction Delays

  • How To Plan A Home Sprinkler Installation

    12 July 2019

    The worst thing you can do when installing a sprinkler system is to jump into it blindly without having a plan in place. You may end up with a sprinkler system that does not meet the needs of your home, causes flooding or will end up being expensive to repair.  Know How Much Water You Need You will need enough water per minute to water your lawn. Most lawns will require 15 to 20 gallons of water per minute.

  • Working As Welder? Why You Should Consider Joining The Welding Contractor Union

    19 April 2019

    Now that you have started working as a welder, you should think about joining a welding contractor union. The union is there to provide support and assistance for professional welders who take their jobs seriously and are willing to provide high-quality work whenever they are hired to complete welding tasks. If you know that you do good work and you would like to have the support of a union backing you up, you should reach out to the welding union to discuss the possibility of joining in and reaping the benefits that come from being a union member.

  • 4 Things A General Contractor Will Do When Handling Your Home Renovation

    20 February 2019

    It is not always necessary to hire a general contractor to help with a home renovation, since some homeowners handle their home renovations on their own. However, general contractors do offer valuable services. A few of the things that a general contractor will probably do when handling your home renovation have been listed here. 1. Helping with Planning the Project First of all, you might need help with planning your project.

  • 3 Types Of Shower Door Glass

    13 November 2018

    When remodeling your bathroom, upgrading your shower to include a glass shower enclosure is a great way to modernize your bathroom's appearance. However, while all glass shower enclosures basically perform the same function, there are a few different types of glass that each have distinctive benefits and drawbacks over one another. Understanding the main different types of glass that are used to construct bathroom shower enclosures can help you choose the one that is best suited to your remodeling project.

  • Of All The Possible Exterior Upgrades, New Windows Are The Best

    26 September 2018

    Pretty much anybody with any experience in real estate with tell you how important it is to renovate your home before putting it up for sale. Professionals know that exterior remodels offer the best value for your money because they increase curb appeal. Home buyers definitely judge a book by its cover. So, a smart exterior upgrade is going to motivate more people to actually spend the time to have a look inside your home.